+49 (0)511 977 - 1279
- 1298
- 1689
- 1252
- 1504 (key authorization)
Opening hours:
Mo. - Do. 06.30 - 12.00 a.m. and 1 -3 p.m.
Fr. 06:30-12:00 a.m.
The trade union Ver.di has announced a warning strike at for Monday, March 10th, 2025. Hannover Airport is also affected. Hannover Airport asks all passengers who are going to depart from or arrive in Hannover in this period to contact their airline or tour operator. An overview of all airlines at Hannover Airport as well as telephone numbers can be found at
Welcome to the Registration Office of the Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen GmbH.
You will find any relevant information on the various forms of identification and authorization within the airport here.
We shall be happy to assist you with any arising queries.
Access to the airport's airside security areas is subject to the regulations of the Aviation Security Act of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Commission Implementing Regulation of the European Union DVO (EU) 2015/1998. Different access requirements apply depending on the place of work and period of use.
Access to the security area is only granted under the following conditions.
Access to the security area without an airport ID card is generally not permitted!
A personal airport ID card is required if you need frequent access to the airside security area.
Persons for whom an airport ID card is requested must:
(I) Request:
Airport ID cards must be requested in writing from the Registration Office.
The FHG forms valid at the time must be used for the application.
The required documents / forms can be found here.
(II) Issue:
After a positive background check and participation in the security training, the airport identification card can be collected upon presentation of the certificates.
Persons who have to enter or drive on the apron in order to perform their duties must first complete and provide proof of the corresponding training (see chapter Training).
The different levels of authorization are designated by different colors. Depending on the color, access to the security areas is strong, less restricted or unrestricted.
Access to and driving in all safety areas:
The badge includes orange, green, yellow and white badges’ authorization.
Register here at AGS for the training.
Access to and driving in the following airside safety areas:
The badge includes the green, yellow and white authorization.
Register here at AGS for the training.
Access to and driving in the following safety areas:
Authorization outside the green area only in case of verifiable official necessity (checks must be expected).
Register here at AGS for the training.
Access to the following restricted areas:
Access to the apron is not permitted!
Safety training according to No. 11.2.6 of the Annex to DVO (EU) 2015/1998.
Register here at AGS for the training.
Access to any non-public areas defined by FHG.
No access to the security areas!
Persons without a personal airport ID who only need to enter the security area of the airport occasionally for business or operational reasons may be granted accompanied access to the security area of the airport on the basis of the regulation on daily permits.
Expiry of and restrictions on daily permits:
The issue of daily permits is limited to a maximum of 12 days per calendar year due to legal regulations.
The following basic requirements must be complied with:
Exceptions to this rule must be requested separately and justified in detail. FHG's Corporate Security Steering Committee checks the plausibility and coordinates with the aviation security authority responsible for a possible exemption.
If a valid background check is presented, a daily permit may be issued for a longer period of time.
Escort by security staff:
If it may be necessary for FHG security staff to escort you, they must be notified at least 24 hours in advance to the Corporate Security Center (personnel disposition).
Issue of daily permits:
In principle, the FHG form "Antrag zur Erteilung eines Tagesausweis" ("Application for the issue of a daily permits") must be completed and a copy of a valid identity document (national identity card or passport) sent to the registration office in advance:
phone: +49 (0)511/977-1689
fax: +49 (0)511/977-1854
Outside the registration office's opening hours, the security center can issue a permit:
phone: +49 (0)511/977-1222
fax: +49 (0)511/977-1204
Visitors to the airport who are not primarily involved in activities within the airside security area will be issued with a visitor badge. Designated FHG employees are entitled to take these visitors, provided they wear the visitor badge visibly, into the airside security areas.
Permits for vehicles are issued authorizing them to enter the airside security area or the apron. The vehicle registration document must be attached to the inside left of the windscreen so that it is clearly visible.
Vehicle vignettes:
Permits for vehicles are only valid in combination with a vehicle vignette.
Vehicle passage permits:
Vehicles that only require temporary access to the security area (max. three days) are issued with a passage permit.
Vehicles with a permit must not drive on the apron without supervision and must be guided by a lead vehicle (e.g. Follow Me).
You can find individual training sessions and programs of the Aviation Ground Service GmbH's Training Centers with their up-to-date dates below.
Training on the Safety Management System, basic training on traffic and licensing rules on the apron and training on driving on the apron (theory) (from 01.01.2025) are offered as online training.
Your place at a course can be book using the form provided by the Aviation Services GmbH.
Note: Seminars are only offered in german as standard. In english only on request.
Information sheet Changes for training courses at the AGS Training Center from 01.01.2025
The following courses are offered:
Dates by appointment:
You can find the enrolment form here.
AGS Trainings Center
phone.: +49 (0)511 977 - 4247
fax.: +49 (0)511 977 - 4477
The current fees and charges can be found here.
When applying for keys, locking cylinders and access authorizations, please contact our Access Administration Office directly. This also applies in case of malfunctions or loss of keys.
The following documents must be submitted in order to apply for an airport ID card:
Requests for background checks must be:
Duration of initial request - request for background check - the check is carried out by the relevant aviation authority and usually takes four to six weeks.
Please notice that it is your sole responsibilitiy to request an extension for your badge.
Duration of follow-up request - in case of a valid background check certificate, the wait is likely to reduce.
The expiry date of the airport ID card can be found on your airport ID card (VALID THROU/GÜLTIG BIS).
Permanent access to the security areas requires a valid background check according to §7 Aviation Security Act. The authority checks the applicant and, if applicable, confirms his/her reliability. Doubts may arise from past convictions or ongoing criminal proceedings, for example:
A positive background check is limited to five years. Flughafen Hannover - Langenhagen GmbH has no possibility to influence the decision on the reliability of the persons inspected by the aviation security authority.
An already existing background check of another federal state can be submitted and recognised when the application is submitted. Recognition requires the approval of the relevant aviation authority.
No airport identification card can be issued without a positive background check. If the reliability has been rejected by the relevant aviation authority, a new request can be made one year after the last verification result is announced at the earliest. The reasons for the negative decision will only be communicated to the applicant. If the applicant can prove that the reasons for the negative decision have in the meantime ceased to apply, a new examination may be requested at an earlier point in time.
Every holder of an airport ID card is obliged to return the card or have it changed at the registration offen immediately in the event of a change of company, termination of employment or change of name. Personal data, such as a change of address, must be reported immediately by the card holder directly to the aviation authority in charge. The identity card remains the property of Flughafen Hannover - Langenhagen GmbH. Please note that a late return or not returning the airport ID card will be subject to a fine of up to €10,000 according to the Aviation Security Act.
The loss of the badge must be reported immediately to the registration office or, outside business hours, to the Corporate Security Center on +49 (0)511 977-1222.
+49 (0)511 977 - 1279
- 1298
- 1689
- 1252
- 1504 (key authorization)
Opening hours:
Mo. - Do. 06.30 - 12.00 a.m. and 1 -3 p.m.
Fr. 06:30-12:00 a.m.